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Aluminum alloy wire sculpture, with soft, yarn knotted the whole length.

Honoring astronomer Caroline Herschel (1750-1848). This is one of a series of wire sculptures honoring mathematicians, and astronomers, including Maryam Mirzakhani, Emmy Noether, Mary Somerville,  Euphemia Lofton Haynes,  Karen Uhlenbeck, Copernicus, Kepler and others.

The sculpture can rest three different ways up, and the wire is a single loop which doesn't cross or touch at any point.

Homage to Caroline Herschel

  • The sculpture can be vacuumed with the small attachment, or, if absolutely neccessary, dipped in cold water briefly, swished around and then each section carefully squeezed with a towel, after which it should be allowed to air dry in a warm, dry place.

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